Day 20: Check out what I did at the world-famous Bazurto Market and watch me learn about Champeta music!
The Back Story
One of my favorite weekend activities when living in San Diego and Salt Lake City, was to visit the local farmer's market. In San Diego, my favorite farmer's market was the one in Little Italy. There are blocks and blocks of vendors and the aroma coming from each booth slowly hypnotizes you. I even remember that one time when I had to call an Uber to help me find my car (I forgot where I parked). ln Salt Lake City, I was captivated by the farmer's market at Pioneer Park. I not only enjoyed the AMAZING produce that was grown just a few miles away but there was always great live music playing.
You see, ever since going to college at California Lutheran University, I became obsessed with knowing where my food came from, and where to access locally sourced produce. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking through the cafeteria and spotted a flyer on the message board. It advertised a local farm in Moorpark, CA (a few minutes down the road), where students could get fresh produce at a discounted price. I was so excited because I had just learned from the school's nurse that my iron was dangerously low, and she suggested changing my eating habits first. Who would have known that Underwood Family Farms would save my life and spark my passion for food?
By the time I graduated college, I had dreams of moving to either Denver, Colorado, or Dallas, Texas so that I could start a homestead of my very own. Well, that did NOT happen (I moved to San Diego instead). With no chickens or a homestead of my own, I make sure to visit EVERY local farmer's market or farm/orchard so that I can satisfy my desire. Don't believe me? ...take a look at where I've been this year alone:
Gilcrease Orchard - Las Vegas, Nevada
River Market - Kansas City, Missouri
Mercado de La Merced - Mexico City, Mexico
Galeria Alameda - Cali, Colombia
...And I didn't even list the farms that I've visited over the years up the coast of Northern California, down to Central California and in Toledo, Ohio. Maybe I should find a farmer to make my husband.
What I Actually Did Today
According to my tour guide Daniella, Mercado Bazurto has been around for ages. However, due to a fire in the 1970s, the market was moved and has been in its current location for about 45 years. It's always been a busy place for locals and other Colombians; however, it was the late great Anthony Bourdain that made it popular with us Westerners/Tourists. He bravely tasted the exotic fruits and sat at Cecilia's restaurant to try her turtle soup. Take a look!
Watch chef Anthony Bourdain visiti Mercado Bazurto
To be Continued....