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Let's Play a Game!

Day 1 in Cali, Colombia...Where should we go on Vacation?

This may sound silly, but I am considering where to go on vacation. I know I am already living the "dream," as a #digitalnomad, but my colleague reminded me that #LaborDayWeekend is coming up. That is one free day to do whatever I want. I have to take advantage of this opportunity. Right!

I have been doing so great with my budget (I restarted Financial Peace University earlier this year). So now that I have an extra couple of hundred dollars, I want to go someplace new! To make things a bit fun and interactive, I posted a poll on my IG story (see photo below). I asked my followers and supporters if I should go to Argentina, Brazil, Equator, or wildcard (I gave them the opportunity to choose).

The vacation poll that I posted on my IG story

I won't make this post long-winded because it has definitely been a day for me. However, I just wanted to follow through with my commitment to posting daily. I also wanted you all to know that I made it to my destination safely. And LET ME TELL YOU, I am so happy to be in this new apartment. It is bougie just like me! LOL!

View from my new apartment terrace

Your friend,

Brookelynn the Friendly Blogger

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Hi - I’m BrookeLynn! 💜

….and I love food…that’s Latin and Spanish food to be exact! Now I know there is way more out there than food from Latin American, Mexico and Spain (and we will explore those when I am home in the states), but what can I say, my tummy likes what it likes!


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