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Day 26: I am Ready to Get Get Go!

Day 26 in el barrio: Living near the bus station.

Ummmmm so basically, I traded in one loud-ass apartment, for a hotel next to a bar. Please do me a favor and DO YOUR RESEARCH. I was strategic in that I booked near the bus station since the traffic in Cartagena is so bad. However, I didn't realize that my hotel is next to a bar. These guys got started SUPER early.

I went to a local farm stand to buy a few apples for my bus ride tomorrow, and I had to pass a bar. Mind you, it was like 2 pm Colombian time. When I say the bar was was POPPIN. I started to take a photo, but then the guys started cat calling, so I quickly walked away as if they had the plague.

Colombians jut posted up drinking like they aint got nowhere to be.

The owner of the farmstand tried to play me twice. Once for the price of the two apples, and the second time he tried to short me out of my change. I've gotta head back to work (because I am on lunch), but I will post something tonight about it on my IG story. Until next time!

Your friends,

BrookeLynn the Friendly Blogger

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